Saturday, January 13, 2007

Showing off the land to Lena

Originally uploaded by malama2006.

A lazy afternoon and we decided to head on over and visit the land. We picked up Lena on the way as she hadn't been there yet.

No disappointments that day. There was a double rainbow that just spanned the WHOLE sky. This is just a small piece of it.

In "moving forward" news, I met with Val (draftswoman) at the land the other day. It was great to be able to physically show her the location and discuss where things were going to go. I was worried she'd be looking at us like we were a little crazy, but she only had really positive things to say about our plans.
So the plans are now in her hands..... she'll be working on drawing them up in the next month and this is the time for us to make any changes. ACK!

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