We were very very pleased to see how well the 1st half was doing. These plants were put in the ground 5 weeks ago. They are so BIG! The weather was dry for the 1st couple of weeks of their "in ground" life, but since then we've had perfect growing weather- some rain at night and massive amounts of sunshine during the day.
We had an extra person working with us, Brian, which was a good thing. We had a lot of planting and when a toddler is involved, it's best to work in an expedient manner.
Noam was an excellent helper. He played a bunch in the truck with Luka, under the makeshift tent that GB erected.
And he did a bunch of planting too. In this picture you can see how small the new plants are (in comparison to the picture above).
Nothing as good as lying under a shady tree on a sunny work day. Lunch break was awesome :)
It's easy to stick the plants in the ground, but we were working on a very steep grade. And then after they're in the ground, each plant needs water- and since we aren't hooked up with a hose yet, that means a heavy bucket.
Ahhh.... the end of the day!
In the end, we planted 288 plants this day.... for a grand total of 540 okinawan spinach plants planted.
Holy Moly! That's a lot of spinach! Good job, mama, brothers, papa, and friends! :D
Is it edible spinach? Or is it something that is just called spinach because it resembles it?
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