Saturday evening GB and I took advantage of the gorgeous weather we're having and popped over to the land to plant a couple of things. We brought over some cycads (as yet unplanted), but did stick in the ground one kaffir lime tree and one variegated ficus.
Sunday we went back, this time with Luka and Noam, do plant a bunch of palms and bananas.
The palms are native loulu palms-a slow growing but really pretty fan palm.
The kids played down by the mango tree (in the shade!), and GB and I got to work.

Apparently this pic wasn't good enough.... GB was trying to get a picture of my face

Here I am!
oh, and those overalls I'm wearing?? I
begged my mom to get them for me when I was in 7th grade. I
needed them. They were like $70 then, and she must have been the nicest mom ever to get them for me. Aren't you glad they still fit mom?? and still being worn??

my happy smile in the last picture was short lived. Luka had been having a rough weekend- lots of frustration and long crying jags. I had no patience left....
Here's me hiding in the car with my headphones out... drowning out his crying. That sounds mean.... but he was being truly unreasonable and inconsolable. Better I remove myself.

Lunch break.
Luka is over his issue.
Luka somehow manages to get filthy every time.

Luka and I headed over to Buck and Lena's house and picked up some keiki bananas. They've been clearing out their whole banana patch.
These guys went straight into the ground behind the water tank

Noam was really helpful- with Luka, with the palms, and here with some scrap wood we were using to keep the grass down.