Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Some projects

This is us working on our black soldier fly worm bin.  The idea is that we stick food scraps in this large 55 gallon drum with black soldier fly larvae.  They process the scraps into nice compost and then supposedly they climb up a ramp- which we have set up to dump right into a trough for the chickens to eat.  It's been over a month now and the ramp hasn't worked yet. Several websites listed the degree of angle for the ramp, but we saw larvae falling.  So we've modified it and are hoping for the best.  In any case, they are doing a number on the scraps.  That's always a good thing!

These next photos are from fencing in the pond.  We busted out the concrete mixer-- the one that we used SO much back a few years ago but which now sits lonely much of the time (not that I am complaining!)
Ra'am was there to help.  We set the posts this day.  Luka was a big help too :D

 Reads: Ducks R Stinkets
1/4/2012 K, GB, R, L, N

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