I asked Luka what he'd like to do on Saturday and for him to give me three options, "I want to play in the pool, make chocolate cookies, and go on a Big Adventure!", he replied. I'm trying to keep my roundness from going global so I said, "How's about we go on and adventure and play in the pool!" He was confused by my willingness to two of his choices and said, "No, I want..." His voice trailed off when he realized I had completely capitulated, "YES, YES, YES!" he jumped up and down. We got ready and headed to a part of our property we rarely go to.....
This part is very, very steep.
Here Luka is learning to slide on the super steep parts and grab trees to slow himself down.
Milo, our youngest cat thinks he's a dog and trails along for the hike.
Half way down!
At the edge of a 60 foot cliff that over looks our stream stands one of the largest mango trees on our property. After a quick look over the edge of the cliff we headed through ferns that were over his head. He told me that everything glowed green in there.
We then headed to the goats who are now in the lower pasture and then to the pool!