I was only kind of shocked to look at the blog and see that I haven't updated it since November! It's not that there's not been land work/ progress, but more that we've been in a maintenance mood rather than a new project mode.
Naughty Kids:
We moved the goats to the upper pasture a few weeks ago. It was an easy move with good goat compliance. The goats happily munched away up there.
I went up a few days later to worm them. And they were nowhere to be found...
Now I haven't written yet here that in November we lost another goat. Tamarind was killed by a dog (neighbor's :( ). The killing took place in the upper pasture and after he died, we quickly moved the remaining goats away... and they hadn't been back in there since.
So when I called and no one came running I thought the worst. But it was hard for me to believe that ALL 4 goats would get killed or drop dead since I had seen them the day before. I walked the whole fenced in area (not easy there!) calling. Nada.
I did see one spot in the fence that they could possibly have gotten under. It was tight, but it was worth checking out.
I walked back down to the house feeling dejected and like we had lost all 4 of our precious goaties. The most accessible car to go driving and look for them was our little Honda Civic-- our other 2 cars are big. but this one was there.
So I set out on the next driveway over to look for them . And lo and behold, there they were, standing on the road like nothing was amiss.
I called the house to get Ra'am to drive over with the truck. But I tried to capture them anyways. And I got all 4 goats into the car (by picking each one up-- thank goodness we have dwarfs!).
Needless to say, they have NOT been back in the upper pasture and the fence line needs some work!
Ra'am and I cleared out the garden in the last couple of weeks. Today I planted eggplant starts (that sat too long here- we'll see how they do), okra starts from Heather, started bush and long beans, and planted some lettuce mixes in the pots.
Planted 4 lanceolatas along the side of the driveway near the water tank this weekend. They are about 4-5' tall now.
Hopefully the next post will be full of garden veggie goodness!