GB, Noam, Luka and I set out on Valentine's Day 2007 to spend some time together and do a little planting. (or a lot of planting).
We did a little research and found some bamboo to plant there- very attractive and will also hold back the dirt. GB found a source here Gaia Yoga Nursery. We ordered the bamboo and for a small fee, they delivered the plants.
Before we could get those, though, GB had one last BIG tree to fell. It had a big branch hanging down over the railroad part of our driveway. He wanted me to video the fall- but I was too busy getting out of the way. Oh well.
Here he is cutting away..... see that sawdust FLY!
Tree is already down and he's cutting it up so we can move it off of the road. He was psyched because it fell exactly where he wanted it to.
After that exciting adventure, we drove down to start our planting. Well.... I should say LUKA drove.
We planted:
B. glaucophylla (Malay Dwarf)
S. brachycladum (Sacred Golden bamboo of Bali)
and a bunch of Ti and crotons
We also came up with a plan to get some Okinawan spinach to finish off that hillside with a groundcover. We should get that from the same nursery some time in the next month or so.
It was a looong day. After lunch, Luka pooped out.
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