Sunday, October 05, 2008


After the house blessing, the party continued.

Firstly we moved all of the tables from the mango tree to the house. It had started to rain and the food was getting wet and our guests were standing under the tarp looking at it.

The potluck meal was awesome. People brought great food. It was delish!

The kids (and many adults went back into the pool). The pool saw a lot of action this day!

Our friend Jake offered to be the bartender for our party. He gave me a list of some stuff to buy.... but boy did he TRULY exceed everyone's expectations. I think he missed his true calling.

Here is Jake with Jeb, his cousin, and fellow bartender who went on to complete the Ironman Triathlon the following weekend in Kona.And here is the drink menu. I believe that Sue came up with a lot of this. Please click to make bigger..... it was so creative.

The Jewish Princess was created for moi. Love & Sax is the name of GB's move
We didn't take a huge amount of pictures at the party because we were too busy having fun. Seriously it was probably the funnest party we've had.
Tons of friends were there. Most of the guys who built the house and pool were there (taking the kudos they deserve, I hope). And everyone seemed to get along great.
Someone (Kathy?) did pull GB and I aside and got us to take a couple of pictures. You can see the TV on in the background there. Pool parties are exhausting for little ones, so they always spend the 2nd half of the party catatonic.

Oh, and we also rolled Noam and my birthdays into the party... here we are being sung to

And the cake...
Next huge party? Noam's Bar Mitzvah- 10/24/08!!! Don't miss it!

1 comment:

Andy said...

10/240nine, I hope! What a fun party you had!! WOOT! I'm so glad you guys are finally getting to live in your wonderful amazing space! And enjoying, obviously enjoying so very much!!! Can't wait to come see it! :D