Monday, February 16, 2009

Goat shed complete(ish)!

Building the goat shed
Day 1

It's wet.... but we're "free". GB and I went shopping for materials and brought them down to the site. The goats are very very curious.

All we did this afternoon was place the footings. Of course that took time, and it did rain on and off.
This is the goats' new river view.... lucky!

And rain sucks, but rain often= rainbows. This is just above us- towards the oceanThe day was not lost.... we went up to the shed so GB could cut down some 4x4s and some roofing. Check out the sparks flying!
Day 2:
GB was planning on animating.... but the Biermans offered to take Luka and I felt we should take advantage of the nice weather and child free day.
Here we start
A short while later things are taking shape
Rocky, Diego and Weed are curious. What ARE these humans doing??
Apparently Karen makes faces when she uses power tools. We borrowed Jake's sawzall....
This face helps her cut wood more effectively
gutters up (to catch rainwater into a pond for them.... no hoses down here!)
Then Karen had to leave to chauffeur children around.... so GB finished up ALL of the cleaning and putting in the small pond (thanks!)

Day 3:
The shed needs some paint on it so it'll last longer. So Luka and I head down to prime the boards.
He's telling me important things here
Of course it's important to take a lot of breaks. The goats love these weed-y gunpowder trees, and Luka knows it.
Done for now! It's lunch time!
And on the way up for lunch we see Ra'am and Noam. They had a 2 hour mandatory pull miconia session today. Here's Noam looking for more
And you can barely see Ra'am up there (with nasty miconia in the foreground) pulling weeds. He's on the hillside.

Now all we need for the shed is a coat of real paint and we're done. Sun is shining.... better get out there before it starts raining again!

1 comment:

Andy said...

What a great view! I love the faces, Karen! LOL! Do you practice those to get more out of your power tool experience? :D