Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Flock Groweth

Egg production has been low this summer. Between molting birds, lunar or other phenomena, we've been getting only 3ish eggs a day. That sounds like a decent amount, but not when you've got 1 teen, 1 almost teen, 1 preschooler and 2 adults. And, mama likes to bake.

So I went out and got us some more hens. We got 6 new ones, to add to the 8. Here are our original ones (all except for one broody hen, who has not left her nest in what seems like an eon). The babes (2 month old) are in that dog crate. I kept them separate for some days, as I didn't want the older hens to peck them too badly. Being henpecked is a real thing.
Here are the chicks. They are a mix of rhode island red (dad) and rhode island white (mama)- those breeds are 2 completely separate ones, according to our book.

First taste of the outside worldThis lady took a field trip with me over to where GB was planting grass. She'd never seen grass.

Luka enjoyed the small birdsand Makalena (not so small)

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