Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Friendly" visitors

We've been getting a lot of wildlife visitations.

Some are friendly, some are not

Not friendly
this medium sized feral pig has been feasting on fallen mangoes
He seems to be unafraid of us. I guess the food is that good!
Here's the trap we set, hoping to catch him (and his friends)
Papa pheasant. There are several pair right now on our property. We see them each morning and evening.
Red-headed cardinal. This guy (as well as many other birds) have been feasting on these ripe waiwi right outside our kitchen window.

These dogs (3) are unwelcome skinny neighborhood dogs. One was caught in the above pig trap.
In non-animal news, we have our first pineapple!
And this is what GB and I look like after a long day's work

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