Sunday, June 19, 2011

Duckies need a home

So we kept the ducks inside for all of 24 hours. We were totally unprepared for their copious amounts of smelly poop. We've had chickens for years, but ducks are very different and way smellier!

The lady we got them from said we could just put some hardware cloth in a circle and then stick a board on top, to protect the ducklings from predators. GB went up to the shed to grab those items, and came back with this fort.

As you can see, Pippi is very interested in the new fowl.

We set up a plastic drawer full of water for them. They jumped right in and went for a swim! (10 minutes later the water was brown)

Of course, this temporary shelter has to be moved every day or so. The ground underneath gets fowl very very quickly!

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