Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Okinawan Spinach Part 2.... or how we planted to keep the hill from going bye bye

Wednesday was slated to be delivery day for the 2nd half of our okinawan spinach order.

We were very very pleased to see how well the 1st half was doing. These plants were put in the ground 5 weeks ago. They are so BIG! The weather was dry for the 1st couple of weeks of their "in ground" life, but since then we've had perfect growing weather- some rain at night and massive amounts of sunshine during the day.

We had an extra person working with us, Brian, which was a good thing. We had a lot of planting and when a toddler is involved, it's best to work in an expedient manner.

Noam was an excellent helper. He played a bunch in the truck with Luka, under the makeshift tent that GB erected.

And he did a bunch of planting too. In this picture you can see how small the new plants are (in comparison to the picture above).Ra'am also gave up his weekly trip to Starbucks with his friends to come and work. I ran out to pick him up and he was a great help once he arrived.

Nothing as good as lying under a shady tree on a sunny work day. Lunch break was awesome :)

It's easy to stick the plants in the ground, but we were working on a very steep grade. And then after they're in the ground, each plant needs water- and since we aren't hooked up with a hose yet, that means a heavy bucket.

Ahhh.... the end of the day!

In the end, we planted 288 plants this day.... for a grand total of 540 okinawan spinach plants planted.


Andy said...

Holy Moly! That's a lot of spinach! Good job, mama, brothers, papa, and friends! :D

spryngtree said...

Is it edible spinach? Or is it something that is just called spinach because it resembles it?