Saturday, September 15, 2007

Culvert Close Inspection

This is our other driveway that opens to the scenic route.

Our friend Terin who is an excellent civil engineer has been giving up pointers on how to fix our culvert - our beautiful, over 100 years old, culvert.

So I climbed down into it today. It is about 4 feet by 4 feet.

All of the damage is on the east side, where some of the wall of the culvert collapsed when a front loader was driving across the top.

Initally we thought that the ceiling of the culvert had collapsed, but there is no damage to the ceiling at all.

What it looks like is that the wall was undercut by the stream and collapsed into the empty space below the wall and then fell upon itself.

It looks like the undercut continues here. I have a feeling the solution is going to be complicated.

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