Monday, February 02, 2009

rock walls!

Our poor little neglected blog...... to think that NOTHING has happened on the farm/ house since November!?!?!

Actually the big project has been rock wall building. We had a garden site all mapped out, and knew we wanted to put in raised beds, but didn't know how we would construct them. We've done bamboo (fast and cheap, but biodegrades fairly quickly here) and wood (rots over time, but not too $$). In the end we decided to go with a more permanent solution.... one that our grandkids would see. So ROCK it was!

I can't even remember how many many bags of concrete and mortar we've used so far. We did buy a small concrete mixer, which has been a HUGE lifesaver. Everyone in the family has helped at least a little- but it's mostly been GB and I working on Fridays.

I don't even know if I have pictures from when we began! It's such messy work that it's hard to have the camera outside!
These are from last week.... almost done!

In this photo you can see the bottom of the wall is almost done. The left side is still short, but the right is complete. You can also kind of see that we were doing some steps up to where the chicken coop is... those got redone already

close up of the completed side

this part of the wall is in the lowest spot, and so it's taken the longest to finish. It's not done here in this photo. And the stairs are here on the left, before being redone.

Here's GB starting work on the upside of the bed. Since that part of the wall wasn't going to be really holding back any soil, we felt we could get away with doing it mortarless. We also had a new delivery of huge rocks and decided to use those--- they proved to be a LOT more work. Oh well!

More photos to come of the whole shebang, since we did complete it on Friday!


Unknown said...

Wow - that's a lot of work! Great job, guys!!! I'm sure your grandchildren will see it...even if they don't appreciate it for the work it was!

Unknown said...

oops - signed in as Rebs again. It's andy. :D