Sunday, February 21, 2010

Palms and TIMBER!

Saturday we got 4 palms in the ground!!!! It's such a big deal because our nursery is filled with palms right now and what I really want to plant is AVOCADO trees. So we're slowly making it thru the palms so we can get on to some food producing trees.

We got 2
Carpoxylon macrospermum in the ground. GB did 99% of the work on these, but I got the glory with the photo. We had to attach some chicken wire to the fencing there behind me because the goats were so interested in this new plant and were eating it thru the fence. They've all scattered here, except for Tamarind.

After this, GB and I moved down to near the pool and after much much difficult work, we managed to get 2 Metroxylon vitiense into the ground.
We planted them on the side of the hill down from the pool. It's steep there and very very jungley. I weed whacked with the blade, and GB chainsawed.

Sunday we worked up on the newer property, near the goats.
GB decided that this tree had to go. It was crowding 2 avocados (see above), and if/when we put a structure/office/house here, the tree is right in the way.

It's starting to tip
On the way down
Job completed!
Looks like an octopus!


Andy said...

Octopus tree!! Great job getting new trees in, getting trees out, all in balance.

SwedeLife said...

Nice. Its always so hard to make those calls about sacrificing one for the future of the others. Good thinking. Hope your land is protected and safe today!!!