Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Last of the Past to the Present

I spent a whole year walking the property in my ‘free time’ (I’ve got kids and I’m a filmmaker). I came to know this land like I did my first land. I cleared paths and some trees. One of my old friends, Joe, worked along side me (he has since escaped the mosquitoes back in his native Santa Cruz).

Slowly, I realized I had bitten off a mouthful as the mosquitoes made off with a tanker full of my blood. I had to control the Miconia – a noxious plant that has decimated the forests of Tahiti. I h
ad to figure out the power, water, phone thing otherwise I’d be starting alimony and child support payments. I had to make it 'fun', so my kids and partner would help!

I knew there was an ocean view because the land was 300 feet tall and only 600 feet from the ocean and I could hear it so clearly. The river and stream that bordered the property were choked with brush, littered with dead trees, and you could breathe mosquitoes. And the trash was seemingly
endless. Lots of work.

Eventually, I became an expert at chainsawing taking out trees, but only after I broke a rib and almost died when a tree decided to take me out.

So, our blog begins now. The summer of 2006. The land has been mostly cleared. Most of the really hard work is done. The pile of trash and car parts sits waiting to be hauled off. Many of the noxious trees have been removed. The Miconia is under control for now.

My T100 for scale.

The creative part begins now. Time to create a wee bit of paradise. Hope you enjoy this journey with me, GB, my partner, Karen, and my three kids Ra’am, Noam, and little Luka.

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