Back in the day the land was a jungle. There were no huge open expanses where you could see the ocean- or even 20 ft in front of you! Unfortunately we didn't take too many pictures then. That's a shame.
But we did find this one!
This picture was likely taken in either November or December of 2004. I'm 6 or 7 months pregnant here and climbing through some THICK hau. This is just a ways behind the mango tree.
We are so enthusiastic these days about our project that we're going a little ass backwards. It's hard not to get the work done while there is a willing and able person there to DO the work. When we started with the bulldozer guys we had an idea for our house. Well, at some point we changed part of that (we can change our minds, no?).
So yesterday we were there- dragged the whole family ( I say dragged because it was a little of that. The kids next door have some video game crap that's just enthralling them all). Twas an absolutely GORGEOUS day. Not one cloud in the sky. We needed to stake out where the house was gonna go. Ummmm... we have an idea for the house, but not plans for the house. I guess other people usually have house plans before they start dozing a house pad. Nevermind that.... we're not like other people!
So we were staking our house. Saul, buldozer guy tells us that we're standing on fill. Like it's not solid ground because he's filled it in, rather than cut it. Okay.... so we moved the house a bit in the other direction and shaved off a few feet- see the beauty of NOT having plans?? The flexibility!
The whole house plans thing had also come about because the pool builder guy.... who's ready to start (after pulling permits) said that usually you pull the permit for both the house and the pool together. Or at least there are house plans pulled 1st. Peter, the other pool guy (and also the water tank guy) said he could try and pull it sans house plans... in any case we're working on house plans.
GB, in fact, stayed up late last night drawing, while I snoozed heavily with Luka. I put him to sleep and never got up to hang with GB.... so he was on his own. And yes, that means that we decided NOT to go with the kit homes. We heard another bad thing about working with the multi-facetted dude and decided to just trust our instincts on that anyways.
The plan is that we draw up our own plans and then give them to a draftsperson Val, who we worked with before. It won't be as fast as getting the kit, but it'll be ours : )
The road looks great. The rock walls are coming along. Things are happening!
We are in a quandry over houses. We visited the multi-facetted homes a couple of weeks ago (and yes, they misspelled faceted....). The house was mostly pretty cool- and we could really see our main part of our house (i.e. kitchen/ living room) being one of their hale-12s. However.... the owner/ salesguy is kinda of a jerk- he's arrogant and just doesn't seem like he'd be easy to work with at all. We had visited there years ago and had the same impression, so I don't think this was a bad day sort of deal.
Since their system is also not perfect for us, we're leaning away from buying from them. The process of designing and building a house is stressful enough as it is- we don't need issues with the kit home people.
So now we're back to designing our own house. We have some pretty basic plans about what we want, but of course there are a zillion details to figure out.
We are also checking out some other cedar homes.... waiting to hear back.
I've got a bunch of pics on my computer here as well. Gotta load them up.
We've had so much going on recently and have so much to write about....
We're in deep discussion over house and designs.
The exciting thing is that we came up with a fabulous (we think) pool design. Though we have a stream (actually 2) on the property, and the ocean nearby, we decided that since we love the water SO much, we need to have a pool. This pool is designed so that laps are easy (on left side of drawing) and there's plenty of place for kids and all to PLAY.
We figure that with a pool we'll have to have a party every weekend..... sounds good to us!!!! oh, and crazily enough, the pool will go in before the house. The pool contractor said it's much easier that way anyways! woo hoo!
of course.... gotta say that the fabulous drawings above were done by GB. We sat out at the pool site and talked about design and then he executed this. :)
After a long day in town of errands and dentistry, we decided to pop over and check out what Louis and Saul have done on the driveway. Wow.... it was a productive day for them. Had they not been blocking the entry, we could have driven the van down there. That's major for us!
Here's the view down from the highway (with teeny GB and teeny Ra'am walking) Back up to the highway This is at the bottom of that stretch- there's a rock wall on either side of the wall that needs a little TLC in the form of weed control.
Once you turn near that rock wall, you go through this beautiful tunnel of trees. This is an old railroad track from back in the day. Look at all of that ROCK! And here's where the road ends for the day. You can see how deep the rock is. yay US!
tomorrow GB's meeting with Peter, the water tank guy, who may also do a pool for us. We'll see.
Big things have been happening here, despite our infrequent posting. We've had tons of dozing work done in the last month. And with big machines, change is rapid!
In the middle of begining work with the new dozer guy, we took a family trip to Florida and LA to visit with family and celebrate Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful trip- great to see our parents..... and as usual, it's always fabulous to come home to Hawai'i!
Louis Nobriga has been out there with crew, altering the landscape to be a little more user friendly. He's made an access road down to the river, as well as a nice housepad at the bottom of the property that will be used for something.
At the top of the property we've dozed the driveway down from the highway. I just stopped by there on my way home from town and they're laying rock/ gravel down on the road, and Louis said that probably tomorrow I can drive my van down there! Exciting stuff!!!!
We also have Andrew Taufa on board already to do a rock wall at the front of the driveway. woo hoo!
We now need to come up with some house plans.... find a pool maker (the guy who was gonna do it is getting out of it).... a contractor, plus tons of other things. These ones are the more exciting (and maybe a wee bit stressful??).
I've taken a ton of pics in the last couple of visits there. I think I'll just put them in their own post : )
plus.... I'm certain that I've forgotten to include some crucial happening. So another post is in order.