Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Houses. Houses. Houses.

We are in a quandry over houses. We visited the multi-facetted homes a couple of weeks ago (and yes, they misspelled faceted....). The house was mostly pretty cool- and we could really see our main part of our house (i.e. kitchen/ living room) being one of their hale-12s. However.... the owner/ salesguy is kinda of a jerk- he's arrogant and just doesn't seem like he'd be easy to work with at all. We had visited there years ago and had the same impression, so I don't think this was a bad day sort of deal.

Since their system is also not perfect for us, we're leaning away from buying from them. The process of designing and building a house is stressful enough as it is- we don't need issues with the kit home people.

So now we're back to designing our own house. We have some pretty basic plans about what we want, but of course there are a zillion details to figure out.

We are also checking out some other cedar homes.... waiting to hear back.

I've got a bunch of pics on my computer here as well. Gotta load them up.

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