Thursday, July 17, 2008

Moving Day

It's been so long since we've moved. We lived in the Hakalau House for 9.5 years. That's a long time- a lot of accumulated memories (Luka was born on the living room floor!), accumulated stuff, and accumulated crap.

Here's some shots of what it looked like before the movers arrived. Boxes everywhere

When the movers arrived, I went to drop off the kids and prep the new house while GB directed the move.Of course we've had like 3 weeks of NO rain, and on our move day the rain fell. Perhaps it's like rain on your wedding day.... after that everything is uphill?

It rained on and off all morning. It wasn't too bad, but it did make the ramp off of the moving truck slippery.The photos and the lack thereof make it look like it was a piece of cake. I assure you it was not! We had some heavy things (like the piano), and the 6 movers worked their butts off- as well as did GB and I.

The kids happily returned from a day of play to their new house!

And we all enjoyed our first dinner together on the lanai (Ra'am is on the mainland).

1 comment:

Andy said...

WOOHOO MAMA!!! WOOHOO GB!!! Congratulations to you all! I'm so very pleased that it's all (almost) over for you! Enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!!!