Sunday, March 11, 2007

Drains and stuff

ugh! I uploaded sideways pictures and now blogger won't let me delete them. argh.....

so turn your head to the left and "enjoy". (this is NOT working for my sense of esthetics!)

GB and I went out to the land sans children (courtesy of wonderful big brothers Ra'am and Noam). I was gonna do some more planting , while GB worked on a drainage pipe for behind the rock wall.

Here's GB looking at the project, thinking he messed up. He had put down some plastic and then a big pipe with holes in it. Here he's using rocks to cover the pipe and hold the plastic away from the holes in the pipe.This is me using the o'o bar to make some holes for more ti plants. I got some fabulous RED ones from Tom and Eve. Soooo pretty.
The picture is dorky (made moreso by the sidewaysness of it), but since I'm always the one taking the pics, you might get the impression I never do any of the work. Well I do *maybe* 10% of what GB does. but it's something, right??

Here are some of the bamboos we planted. This is pre-landslide (next post).
The row of ti and croton. looks lame now. Give it some time. Will be beautiful.
Artsy shot of the drain area.
Another shot of the house pad.
And another, with the light lower.
GB.... looking so handsome and proud with the rock wall

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