Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Planting Day!

Big Family planting day!

We were getting our delivery of Okinawan Spinach. So the family headed out to meet Anno and our plants.

While we waited, we planted some lilies in between the dwarf malay bamboo
Anno came (no pics!) and delivered us 20 trays of plants. We definitely had our work cut out. Good thing it was one of the most gorgeous days ever. Here's Ra'am planting at the bottom of the hill- near the angel's trumpet (which is growing like gangbusters)And GB
Soon thereafter, the Biermans showed up! They hadn't seen the land yet. We had a nice lunch break with them under the cool shade of the mango tree.
They wanted to go to the river, as the kids had been talking it up. But we had only planted a few trays at that point. GB told everyone to just visit and he would plant. But the Biermans wanted to help out and finish the job so we could all go to the river together.

Somehow, Sue and I totally lucked out and had a really country club afternoon. The men and kids all worked while we sat under the tree chatting (and taking care of a very sleepy Luka). It was nice (if not a little guilt inducing).

Fearless Jake


Silly Harry
Okinawan spinach.... in the ground (my hand in there for scale)



Part 2.... at the river

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