Sunday, February 03, 2008

Landslide #2 (aka Rain, Rain, and more Rain!)

About a year ago we had a landslide. So, we hired a soil specialist and we didn't do the minimum. We did EVERYTHING he suggested. Yesterday we had about a FOOT OF RAIN in 24 hours.

Noam and I went to the land to survey the pool for the decking.

After we finished I walked around upstairs to see how far the rain blew into our lanai.

...and then I looked down from our master bedroom!

The side of the hill has collapsed only about 15 feet from the edge of our foundation!
That bamboo slid about 50 feet down the hill and the hill slid down around it.

Part of the wall fell revealing that they, in fact, had not put any rebar under all the wall.

The hill slumped at the top about 4 feet and then....

...the water dug a channel about 20 feet wide and 60 feet long.

I took Noam home and Karen called for re-enforcements.

I surveyed the damage and dug out our beautiful plants....

...above and beyond the call of duty Gene and Jeff showed up to help. Jeff bought a huge plastic sheet.

Remember this is Superbowl Sunday and these guys left the game for this! Gene obviously has the good ideas.

Jeff and I mitigate the water causeway the best we can.

And when we finished, we feel better, but the rain pours down even harder as I write this. I can only hope we don't lose more of our hillside.

"tryin to find the sun;
And I wonder, still I wonder, who’ll stop the rain.”

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